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Washacre Primary School

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Phil Orth – Chair of Governors (25/06/2022 – 24/05/2026)

I have spent the whole of my working career teaching in two local Primary schools. I started out at St. Thomas C.E. School Halliwell in 1971 and moved to St. Mary’s Deane in January 1983. I spent the rest of my career there both full-time and part-time and retired in July 2015. Whilst at St. Mary’s I taught mainly in Key Stage 2, though I have delivered Science and French in Key Stage 1 over the years. Posts I have held over the years have been assistant head, science co-ordinator, I.T. co-ordinator, P.E. co-ordinator, key Stage 2 co-ordinator and most recently M.F.L. co-ordinator. I have served on the school governing body at St. Mary’s continuously since 1986 as teacher governor and associate governor and currently hold the position of Vice-Chair. In July of 2018 I was approached to become Chair of Governors at Washacre C.P. School and have been working alongside the Head and the Joint Executive Board (J.E.B) to help move the school forward.

Jane Hampson – Vice Chair (02/10/2020 – 01/10/2024)

I have enjoyed a long, varied and interesting career in education and retired in April 2018 as the Head of Inclusion in Bolton Children’s Services following my time as the Head of Bolton Music Service (1999-2008). In my early career I taught music in many Bolton schools including Washacre Primary where I was a visiting teacher for 4 years in the 1990’s.

I am a longstanding board member of the Hallé Orchestra and am currently a trustee for Sing for Pleasure, a national choral charity. I am also pleased to be a trustee for Trust Music, the charitable arm of Bolton Music Service who provide wonderful opportunities for all children to make music.

As a choral conductor I am the Director of The BMS Singers, Tonge with the Haulgh Community Choir and the Our Voice staff choir at Bolton General Hospital.

At Deane Church, I am the Life skills Manager for Christians Against Poverty (CAP) and works closely with families who are struggling on low incomes or with debts.

I am delighted to join the governing body of Washacre Primary School in Autumn 2020 and enjoy working with the Headteacher and other governors in supporting the children and families of this very special school.

Liz Zsargo – Co-opted Governor (23/05/2023 – 22/05/2027)

I am a qualified primary teacher with over twenty year’s classroom experience, mostly in Key Stage 1, although I have had experience of teaching in every year group at one time or another. I moved to Bolton in 2000 and worked at Red Lane Primary School, where I was Key Stage 1 leader. Later I worked at Egerton Primary School, where I became Deputy Head teacher, then Head teacher. Over the years I have led many areas including Phonics and Reading, PSHE, Geography, Languages and Assessment. I also spent five years working at the Department for Education, helping first to embed Phonics nationally, then to set up a school-led approach to training new teachers (School Direct). I now lead the School Direct provision at the University of Huddersfield, working with a wide range of schools and teachers to support and train beginners to the profession. I have recently joined the Governing Body at Washacre and I am looking forward to working with the Head teacher, other governors and whole school community at a very exciting time of rapid improvement.

Vicki Lowe – Associate Governor

I have been teaching for 26 years in a variety of Primary School across three Local Authorities – Oldham, Bury and Bolton. I have been a SENCo since 2009 and gained the National SENCo Award with a distinction in 2016. Most of career has been focussed on teaching in Key Stage 1 and Early Years although I have taught in Key Stage 2. I have been a TLR since 2009 and then Assistant Head in 2014. I have coordinated a variety of National Curriculum Subjects including English, Science, History, Geography and the Arts. I am a Parent to three boys ranging in ages from 24, 22 and 13 years. My youngest child has significant SEN needs and I am passionate in ensuring pupils with SEN needs have the best possible opportunities to achieve their full potential whilst being included within the mainstream classroom. Working at Washacre as the Deputy Head and in my other roles gives me a fabulous opportunity to support and move the school forward. As an Associate Governor I am able to feedback to the governing body about the specific areas of school that I lead and the many areas that I am involved in.

Chris Howarth – Headteacher (01/09/2018 – )

Education is actually my second career, the first being in Internet banking. However, I didn’t find this particular rewarding and decided to change career and become a primary school teacher. I thoroughly enjoyed my 10 years in the classroom at St. Mary’s CE Primary School working with children in Years 2, 5 and 6. Developing relationships with the children and watching them develop and fulfil their potential was truly rewarding and for me justified my career change. During this time I led ICT and became the Inclusion lead as well as leading the Middle Management team in my role as Assistant Head teacher. In July 2018 I arrived at Washacre Primary School as the Acting Deputy Head teacher in preparation for taking on the role of Acting Head teacher in September 2018. It has been a pleasure to be part of a fantastic school community from the teachers to the parents to the children and needless to say I jumped at the opportunity of applying for the permanent position of Head teacher in April 2019. I was delighted to be made the permanent Head teacher and believe with the strength of the governing body, the dedication and expertise of the staff and the support of our parents, Washacre can be a special place were all our children can achieve their full potential.

Cat Woodhall Crook – Parent Governor (22/03/2022 – 07/11/2026)

My career has been in Bolton focussed on conflict resolution & mediation in different settings over the years: initially between young offenders & victims, then groups of young people and local residents, then Family Group Conferencing & now between neighbours in dispute. I also deliver training in conflict resolution. My role means challenging difficult matters in a constructive way to identify problems and agree solutions.

I am an activist & feminist, passionate about social justice. I am an active union member. I’m passionate about every child being able to learn and develop in a supportive environment. I became a parent governor to have a positive impact, both of my children attend Washacre. There is so much potential in the children here and so many future leaders. I’m excited to be involved with such a motivated school where teachers & staff all care very much about the children. I’m always looking for ways to improve and develop which is what I bring to the governors committee.

Isaac McDermott – LA Governor (24/11/2021 – 23/11/2025)

I currently work for Santander UK as an Innovation Partner where I am responsible for leading ideation & discovery using the innovation framework to design and implement new banking products. I started my banking career at Barclays in 2019 on the Business Banking Graduate Scheme and subsequently worked across various teams throughout my 4 years there, finishing as a Product & Proposition Manager within New Payments, Strategy & Planning.

I have been a LA Governor since November 2021 and this is my first post as Governor. I chose to become a Governor to help with the strategic direction of the school to ensure the children receive the best education and support possible, giving them the best start in life. I thoroughly enjoy my role as Governor and providing a different perspective from someone who does not work in education.

Jennifer Ashcroft – Staff Governor (08/11/2022 – 07/11/2026)

When I left school, I started working in a hair Salon. I completed my NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing and worked there for many years. I had my daughter in 2010 and decided that I wanted to enjoy weekends with her so I had a change in career and started working in a Solicitors in Bolton. I then extended my family with a son. I joined Washacre Primary School in 2016 as an administration apprentice. I have since completed my Diploma in administration Level 2. I have been able to watch the school grow in a positive direction over the past few years and love being a part of the Washacre Team. I was appointed as a staff governor last year and am excited to be able to have a voice and opinion in things that happen within school. As a parent myself, I want the best for the children and I’m trying to ensure all the children feel they have the confidence and support they need to be able to achieve the best goals for themselves.

Steven May – Co-opted Governor (11/07/2023 – 10/07/2027)

I am currently the Head of Collections and Litigation at Altus UK Ltd, regulated by RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) and the ICS (Institute of Customer Service) specialising in business rates appeals and lease negotiations on behalf of its clients. I have worked at the Company for 15 years, my first 8 being within and eventually managing a small Litigation Team.

I have two children, my youngest being a former attendee of Washacre Primary School Nursery 2 years ago. It was at this time I was approached to be become a member of the School Governing Board in order to help and support the staff and children of this wonderful School which I gladly accepted.

Beth Bussey – Parent Governor (22/03/2022 – 07/11/2026)