Resourced Provision
Our mission statement says that we believe every child has talents and dreams and we have the highest aspirations for all our children. We believe that our role is to support and facilitate our children’s learning so that they can truly achieve their potential. We believe that all our children are fantastic individuals who can achieve wonderful things…
The resourced Provision classes at Washacre are specialist provisions for pupils who have moderate learning difficulties (MLD) with a complex need (such as Autism), who have struggled in a mainstream classroom. The pupils come from schools across Bolton and are brought in by transport each day. The provision opened in September 2022 when the Local Authority identified a need for additional places for pupils with MLD and a complex need. A second Provision was opened in September 2023. The children are educated in smaller classes with a high adult to child ratio using specific strategies that will support and develop their sensory needs, communication and language, independent skills and provide an integrated approach within the mainstream classes where appropriate.
All are experienced practitioners who have worked previously with SEND children. The Local Authority SEND (Special Educational Needs) team are responsible for allocating places and children who attend Washacre Primary School do not have priority over other children in the Bolton borough in gaining a place in the provision.
Often, the children who have been offered a place in Class 7 have had a difficult educational journey and our first priority is to ensure they feel understood and valued, regardless of their challenges or learning differences. We strongly believe that the children who are in the mainstream classes benefit enormously from understanding and accepting the needs of others as well as embracing and celebrating individual differences.
Washacre Primary School is an inclusive school and one of the benefits of Class 7 and Class 8 are being attached to a mainstream school, is the option to integrate these children with their chronological year group and mainstream peers. Where this is appropriate, careful planning and support from staff from their class, will ensure they are able to access their new environment successfully.
If parents would like further information about how to access our Resourced Provision, in the first instance they should speak to the SENCo in their child’s school, who should be able to provide further details about the entry criteria and processes. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide visits for those parents who would like their child to attend class 7 unless they have already been offered a place as this can be unsettling for the children. Vicki Lowe is the Leader of Resourced Provision and can provide further information by email should you require it.