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Washacre Primary School

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Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs Report 2023/2024

Every child has talent and dreams.

All children must have the very best chance to achieve the best they can in life

Every child is unique and many at some time during their school career may have additional needs.  In our school, we have experience of supporting children with a variety of special requirements ranging from ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, Sensory Impairment, Gender Dysphoria, Medical conditions and Specific Learning Difficulties.    Through careful planning, we ensure that all children access a high quality broad and balanced curriculum in which their social and emotional needs are also a priority.

The school has a number of policies which ensure consistent care for these youngsters such as :

  • Identifying and caring for children with Special Educational Needs
  • Caring for vulnerable children.
  • Caring for children with Medical Conditions
  • Intimate Care
  • Anti Bullying
  • Equality of Opportunities.

Vicki Lowe is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and she can be contacted through lowev@washacre.bolton.sch.uk

So what is the process?

A parent/carer or member of staff expresses concern to the SENCO.  Information is collected to determine what the specific needs of the child are. The SENCO meets with the staff and parent/carer to discuss how to personalise the curriculum or care to support the child.  The teacher produces a Medical Care Plan (MCP) or an Individual Education Plan (IEP) with the child which is shared with the parent/carer.  This is stage one ‘SEN Provision’.

If after term, there has been little change for the child and in discussion with carers and staff, there are still concerns, the SENCO will complete an Early Help Assessment form with the carer and child.  This form is used to recruit help from beyond the school. 

Help may come from :
Ladywood Outreach Support, Educational Psychologist, School Nurse, Behaviour Support Services, Speech and Language Therapy for example.  It may be that school needs to provide additional resources such as Teaching Assistant support or equipment such as large print books, Chewables or Easy Grip cutlery for example.  We will adapt to the learning environment as necessary for the child.  There has been a shower room installed for children who have additional hygiene needs.

This is Stage 2 ‘Enhanced SEN Support’.    This will be reviewed every 8 weeks and will remain in place until no longer needed.

If after several terms the child’s needs are still barriers to progress, then the school may request carers support in applying for an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or in the Early Years an EYAP.  This requires the school and all agencies who have worked with the child to complete reports and request additional funding of up to £4,000 to support the child. The child also contributes to the application.   If successful the carers will be consulted on the suitability of the EHCP annually.  This is stage 3 ‘EHCP/Statement’.

Arrangements for Consultation

In Washacre Primary School staff regularly assess children’s progress towards outcomes.  Carers are invited to participate in discussions at a number of points in the year, for example in September at the ‘Expectations’ meetings, October and April at ‘Carers/parents Information’ meetings, termly at IEP/MCA meetings and half-termly at EHA reviews.  Where a child is cared for by the Local Authority, the Social Worker and /or Foster Carers will be included in all consultation.

Support during the transition to another school.

When a child joins or leaves Washacre Primary School, who has Special Additional Needs, the SENCO liaises with the SENCO from the donor or recipient school.  After discussion has taken place, records are transferred by electronic secure email.  The child will be introduced to staff either here or at the new school in advance of the move.  Copies of the child’s workbooks will be exchanged between the schools.  On occasion, the SENCO will go to the new school with the parent/carer to discuss the needs of the child.

Further Information

Carers and parents are most welcome to approach staff or the school SENCO for advice or to share information.

Policies can be found on the website or can be requested from the school office.